Internal Siliconization

Questions &  Answers

Through the siliconization process a water-repellent silicon coating on the inner glass surface is created. This application can be found in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry. Viscous and syrupy materials come off easily and quickly from glass walls and at the same time the surface of the glass bottles remain perfectly transparent.

Glass vials of different kinds can be siliconized.

  • An interaction between the product and the glass can be prevented.
  • Therefore the durability (stability) of your product can be increased.
  • High restitution rate down to the last drop, depending on material.
  • High dispensing reliability.

There are no concerns in terms of food safety.

  • Washing The vials are being cleaned by washing.
  • Rinsing Clear rinsing.
  • Siliconization The special emulsion of silicone oil is being applied.
  • Fixing by heat The glasses are running through an oven.
  • Packaging The glasses are being shrink wrapped immediately.

Starting with a daily production of 16,000 to 48,000 pieces.

There are no concerns, you can process your product in the usual way.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with further questions on the internal siliconization.